Bal folk - Aacho
Aacho ('to arrive' in Swiss German) is one of the dances created in the Swiss Jura during danse exchange with roughly 30 dancers (Sustainabal 3.0, 2022). We can now find it here and there on the European dancefloors...
Creators: Adrian, Deby, Domi, Tian, Timo
This danse is a mixer reusing some elements from traditional swiss dances (for example: balancing, stamping, etc.). We were looking for a group dance without predefined roles where it is easy to get in. We also wanted dancers to be able to express themselves.
There is a small text going with it, which we can roughly translate as follow:
To arrive. In the dance. In a group. Right now. Just be. Taken in. Accepted. And accepting. It doesn't matter who is leading. It doesn't matter who is following. Finding a common rythm. Weighting the calm to find the balance. To find each other. Then celebrate the new connection. Riding through stormy times with an unleashed galop. But don't loose yourself. Come back to you. Let the group go. Whirl through the dancefloor. Enjoy your own liberty. And start again. Playful. Sensuous. Energetic. Anarchic.
Original (in Swiss German):
Aacho. Im Tanz. Inere Gruppe. Im Momänt. Sell eifach sii. Ufgnoh werde. Akzeptiert werde. Und akzeptiere. Egal wer füehrt. Egal wer folgt. E gmeinsame Rhythmus finde. Im ruhige Momänt wiege. Zom d Balance finde. Zom is Lot cho. Im gmeinsame Fluss sii. Denn de neui Zämeschloss fire. Met usglassnigem Galopp. Au dor störmischi Ziite riite. Sech sälber debi ned verlüre. Bi sech sälber ahcho. Gruppe losloh. Dord Gägend wirble. Die individuell Freiheit gnüsse. Weder vo Vore ahvo. Spielerisch. Sinnlich. Energievoll. Anarchistisch.
Luca Fiorini composed the first song (thanks!) during the Sustainabal - l'air inconnu followed and greatly helped export the dance in Europe. The composition can be found on their last Album, Jamais entendu parler:
I've also heard (mid-2024) that CaraC is composing another one.
The instructions below should help compose new pieces - a PDF can be found here. It's only in German for now, the translation will come eventually.
First video in Essertfallon - ~Februar 2022.
Found on Youtube... Boeuf Gennetines 2024.
Album "Jamais entendu parler" from l'Air Inconnu.
The texts and descriptions (please ask the musicians for the music!) of this page are given to the public domain - please share, use and edit them as much as you want!